
Vi holder vores ord og leverer høj kvalitet

Med udgangspunkt i din virksomheds konkrete behov skaber vi digitale løsninger og resultater på rekordtid. Med Coignite som din digitale partner, får du kompetent rådgivning og kvalitet til tiden.

Digital consulting

Digitalization of business processes. MiTiD integration, automated email flow and integration to other systems.

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Digital consulting

UX og service design

Kundeportaler og samarbejdsplatforme. Digital selvbetjening, automatisering af processer og videndeling.

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UX og service design
Gør virksomheden og systemerne klar til vækst


Optimer dine processer og gør din virksomhed klar til vækst med skræddersyede, integrerede løsninger. Vi hjælper dig med at strømline arbejdsgange, skabe overblik og forbinde dine systemer for at accelerere din forretnings udvikling.

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Brug AI intelligent i din forretning


Vi udnytter kunstig intelligens til at drive vækst, innovation og effektivitet, gennem automatisering og frigjorte medarbejderressourcer.

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Velgennemførte kunderejser skaber tillid

Web udvikling

Opbyg kundetillid gennem veldesignede digitale rejser. Vi skaber engagerende webapplikationer og widgets, der giver en smidig brugeroplevelse med stor impact på din forretning.

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Web udvikling
Boost din forretning med udvikling af mobile apps


I dag er den bedste måde at komme tættere på sine kunder eller partnere er ved at give dem personlig betjening i hånden.

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Three examples of where we can start

Whether you have an idea, a problem or a ready-made concept, we can help you bring your digital project to life. Here we show you how we can help you in the different stages.

You have a need, but you lack ideas or solutions. We can help analyze the need and develop a catalog of ideas with digital solutions. Together, we select the concept that delivers the most value and assess the business case so you know if the concept is worth investing in.

Catalog of ideas

Create a list of possible solutions.


Find the best concept.

Business case

Assess the value of the concept.

You have an idea, but lack clarity over the next step. We help you explore the idea, ask the right questions and develop a requirement specification so that all use scenarios are covered. We create a prototype that gives you visual feedback and a roadmap that guides you towards realization.

Business case

Identify the needs and goals.

Requirement specification

Document the requirements.


Get a testable model.


Plan the way forward.

You have a requirements specification and are ready for the next step. We help to concretize so that all the details are in place. With a clear roadmap and development plan, we can ensure that the project follows the necessary steps and timelines for a successful launch.

Development plan

Define the requirements of the project.


Create a timeline for development.


Start with core functions.


Expand to the complete solution.

Vi omsætter komplekse udfordringer til konkrete løsninger,
der driver forretninger fremad

Contact Us

How we work together

We consider our collaboration with you as a journey in which we develop and strengthen your digital presence together. Wherever you are on your digital journey, we have solutions to match your needs—from specific fixed-price projects to an in-depth strategic partnership.

Fixed-price project

Do you have a limited digital project that requires precise execution within a fixed framework and budget? Our fixed-price projects are ideal for companies that want a targeted solution to a specific task.

Full service

When your digital needs start to grow and you need ongoing technical support, we're ready with our full-service solution. We provide a dedicated team that takes responsibility for the continuous development and maintenance.

Strategic partnership

Do you want to integrate advanced technology as a central part of your business strategy? With a strategic partnership, we offer a long-term collaboration solution that complements and strengthens your existing competencies.

That's what customers say

Coignites ekspertise indenfor digital udvikling og innovation, har været afgørende for succesen med vores serviceplatform. Deres team har ikke kun leveret en solid løsning, men også et fundament for vores fremtidige vækst. De bedste anbefalinger herfra.
Anders Møller
CEO, Universal Apps
"Coignite var afgørende i udviklingen af platformen DevelopmentLog, der understøttede vores forskning i startup-teams ved at give studerende et effektivt værktøj til projektstyring i realtid. Deres evne til at samarbejde tæt og forstå vores mål gjorde hele forskellen og sikrede en løsning, der præcist matchede vores behov."
Jakob Bejbro Andersen
MSc Eng. Ph.d., DTU Skylab
Coignite har været en betroet partner i udviklingen af vores Chauffør-app, som har skabt stor værdi ved at gøre komplekse opgaver enkle og effektive. Appen har forbedret arbejdsflowet og øget produktiviteten for vores chauffører. Coignite’s pålidelighed og forståelse for vores behov gør dem til en uvurderlig partner i vores digitale udvikling.”
Peter Lippert
Udviklingschef, Bygma Gruppen

Do you have a project in mind or are you looking for inspiration?

We love challenges. And if you are faced with a project that needs either to be initiated, optimized or even saved, we would like to offer our proposal for a solution.

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