Digital Development House

We lift ambitious companies to new digital heights

Through consulting, design and development, we translate your visions and needs into value-creating digital solutions that support progress and growth.

That's what customers say

"Coignite var afgørende i udviklingen af platformen DevelopmentLog, der understøttede vores forskning i startup-teams ved at give studerende et effektivt værktøj til projektstyring i realtid. Deres evne til at samarbejde tæt og forstå vores mål gjorde hele forskellen og sikrede en løsning, der præcist matchede vores behov."
Jakob Bejbro Andersen
MSc Eng. Ph.d., DTU Skylab
Coignites ekspertise indenfor digital udvikling og innovation, har været afgørende for succesen med vores serviceplatform. Deres team har ikke kun leveret en solid løsning, men også et fundament for vores fremtidige vækst. De bedste anbefalinger herfra.
Anders Møller
CEO, Universal Apps
Coignite har været en betroet partner i udviklingen af vores Chauffør-app, som har skabt stor værdi ved at gøre komplekse opgaver enkle og effektive. Appen har forbedret arbejdsflowet og øget produktiviteten for vores chauffører. Coignite’s pålidelighed og forståelse for vores behov gør dem til en uvurderlig partner i vores digitale udvikling.”
Peter Lippert
Udviklingschef, Bygma Gruppen

Vores løfte

Vi reducerer kompleksiteten, sikrer målbare resultater og booster din virksomheds potentiale

Our services

At Coignite, we translate a deep understanding of your business into tailor-made digital solutions. As your partner and constructive challenger, we ensure, through strategic advice and expertise, that each solution creates real value for your business.


From vision to digital reality, we chart your unique path to success.

We understand that every business has its own digital journey. Through strategic consulting, we help identify the digital opportunities that create the most value. We translate your industry knowledge and goals into tailored digital strategies that increase efficiency and strengthen the customer experience.


We design digital solutions that put the user at the center.

We design user-centric solutions that unite technology and people. Through thorough analysis, we create intuitive user interfaces and cohesive experiences that make it easy and efficient for both employees and customers to interact with your systems.


We develop innovative solutions that grow with your ambitions.

Our expertise ranges from complex enterprise systems to easy-to-use apps. We don't just create software - we develop digital ecosystems that become an integral part of your business. Our solutions are developed to create sustainable value and growth for your business.

Ud fra jeres specifikke behov, skaber vi effektive digitale løsninger
og resultater på rekordtid

Contact Us

About Us

Coignite is a full-service development house that ensures that all projects are carried out with the highest standards of quality and safety. We inspire, challenge and push the conventions—with deep technological insight, business understanding and an analytical approach to problem-solving.

At Coignite, we simplify complex digital challenges and develop user-friendly and efficient solutions. Since 2009, we have been creating tangible value for SMEs through innovative, scalable and sustainable IT solutions.

From complex to simple...

At Coignite, our mission is to transform complex digital challenges into easy-to-use and effective solutions. We work closely with our customers to create innovative solutions that strengthen their competitiveness through intelligent use of technology and automation.

Innovation with meaning...

We are passionate about developing technological solutions that make a positive difference. With over 14 years of experience, we combine our technical expertise with a deep understanding of our customers' business. Our approach is curious and imaginative, but always focused on delivering tangible results through our solutions.

The man at the center...

For us, technology isn't just about systems and code -- it's about creating real value for people. We focus on understanding both the needs of users and the company's goals, so that we can develop solutions that are both sustainable and future-proof. Our approach is always to put people at the center of the digital transformation.

Do you have a project in mind or are you looking for inspiration?

We love challenges. And if you are faced with a project that needs either to be initiated, optimized or even saved, we would like to offer our proposal for a solution.

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